T-Shirts everywhere!

July 9, 2020

Everyone loves swag. We do as well. On every conference people are always looking to get some T-shirts, buttons or anything with our brand on it. We even get requests from time to time on our support whether we can sell a T-shirt and send it around the globe. It would be possible in theory, we could setup a shop selling nice T-shirts, but we want to focus on our main goal - making updates to make your routers even better and more secure. Thus we decided to let somebody else help us with T-shirts and various other swag that we even haven't tried producing yet. Starting today, you can find official Turris swag shop on https://swag.turris.cz

Company behind it can produce various items and send them wherever you are. We hope this makes our T-shirts and other items much easier to obtain and you wouldn't have to wait for the next conference and travel to Europe to get a Turris pin for your new shirt.


Turris OS 5.0

June 8, 2020

We have released a new version of Turris OS – 5.0, which is based on the Linux distribution OpenWrt 19.07.3. The latest release of the operating system provides basic support for the WPA3 standard, which is, however, not set by default and requires the installation of additional packages. The big news is the gradual redesign of the Foris website (reForis). Currently, it is possible to set the snaphost integration in the graphical interface or redirection to a custom DNS server, which we have not set either.

With the release of Turris OS 5.0, we also prepared an experimental guide for migration from Turris OS 3.x. You can find the specific instructions in the manual available in our documentation.

Turris Omnia 2020 router has been certified by the FCC. New features include the Sentinel security system

March 25, 2020

The latest version of our router, Turris Omnia 2020, has been certified by the FCC, which is mandatory for sale on the U.S. market. This is related to the fact that this router is now also available at the Amazon.com online store.

The new version, which is offered for 334 U.S. dollars, has a silver metal design and features Turris OS 4.0. It also offers unique automatic security updates and a test version of the new Sentinel security system, which allows you to respond to network threats faster.

Customers from Europe will soon be able to order Turris Omnia 2020 in online stores Amazon.de, Amazon.fr, Amazon.es or Amazon.it. In the Czech Republic, this new product from the CZ.NIC association’s workshop is available at the CZC and Datart stores.

Turris @ SCaLE

March 2, 2020

SCaLE 18X – the 18th annual Southern California Linux Expo – will take place on March. 5-8, 2020, at the Pasadena Convention Center. It is the largest community-run open-source and free software conference in North America. It is held annually in the greater Los Angeles area. And we will take a part in it this year again!

We will have a booth in Expo area where you can talk to us about general topic but also deep technical stuff. We will have with us both Turris Omnia and Turris MOX to take a look at.

Apart from the Expo part, we will also have a talk on Saturday from 13:30 about Turris Sentinel - our security program. What is it, how it came into being, how it works and most importantly, how you can use it and participate.

Looking forward to meeting our Noth American community!

Turris at InstallFest 2020

Feb. 26, 2020

InstallFest 2020 is happening this weekend already and we are taking part. As last few years it will be held at FEL ČVUT at Karlovo Náměstí. You can look forward to many interesting talks and workshops about various opensouce topics. Apart from conference, there is going to be a small exhibition with several booths of various projects as well. We are participating in both parts of the event. We are going to have a booth there where you will have an opportunity to meet and chat with people activelly working on Turris router develoment. In the conference part, our colleague Martin Prudek will have a talk about Turris Sentinel - the new data collecting and threads detecting system. What does it do? How did it worked in past, what changes are being worked on and what you can look forward to in a future? As InstallFest is a local conference with almost no foreigners, he will be delivering the talk in Czech but you can catch him at our boot and have a chat with him in English as well.

Turris OS 4.0

Oct. 7, 2019

On 5th of October on biggest Czech open source conference, we released an important milestone in our Turris OS development – Turris OS 4.0. This release based on OpenWrt 18.06 spent quite some time in various forms of testing. It completely changes how we make our releases and we are now much closer to the upstream then we’ve ever been. Everything had to be rebuilt from scratch so it was a huge task to move away from the old way of doing stuff and we took the opportunity to get rid of some of the skeletons in our closets.

Because of that, some of the features available in 3.x might still not present in 4.0. But because 4.0 is the new main development branch, it also has some features not present in 3.x like Storage plugin with support for multiple drives and Nextcloud.

It is the system that is already available on Turris MOX and will be available on newly sold Turris Omnia as well. We are still working on automatic migration path from Turris OS 3.x, but we already have a pretty easy way how to reflash your router manually to Turris OS 4.0.

Invitation to Maker Faire Prague 2019

June 20, 2019

We would like to invite you to the second year of the Maker Faire Prague. The event is happening on Saturday 22th June and Sunday 23rd June. It is open from 10 am until 6 pm in Prague - Výstaviště Průmyslový palác.

We will have there a booth no. 115, so you can visit us and talk to us. You can play Tetris on our Turris routers. We will show you our modular router Turris MOX.

On Saturday between 1 pm and 4 pm at our booth, there will be autographing for a new book Porty, bajty, osmibity in Czech, which was authored by Martin Malý. It was released in the CZ.NIC edition.

We hope that you will enjoy the inspiration weekend at MakerFaire Prague.

Your Turris Team

Invitation to the InstallFest 2019

Feb. 27, 2019

Dear Turris users,
this weekend, 2nd and 3rd March of 2019, there will Czech conference for users, where you can ask for help with installation GNU/Linux and other problems it or you can discuss it, and meet other people.
InstallFest will be in FEL ČVUT - Karlovo náměstí 13. All presentations will be in Czech, but if you're also speaking English, you can come to our booth, where you can visit with us and talk if you want about Turris MOX.

Michal Hrušecký on Saturday 2nd March at 13:00 has a presentation, where he shows how Turris MOX boots from Turris Omnia, which would be able to expand WiFi signal.

We will be waiting you there!

Android app redesign

Dec. 22, 2018

Looking back at our current app, we found out that it wouldn't be that easy to extend and maintain it in the long run. At the same time, we were also facing quite some challenges in the backend part of the app. Originally we used netconf for our applications but that has proven to be more of a hindrance than a help. As the mobile app was facing big redesign already, we decided to go with the long-term maintainable solution and redesign the backend as well.

As we are making various decisions now, , we would like to ask you for feedback. What would you like to have in our new mobile application? What do you think makes the most sense, what is crucial and what is not. We came up with some ideas so we prepared poll from those, but you can enter some ideas of your own. Later on, we will evaluate that, publish the outcome and develop a new application that will be much better than the current one.

Send feedback via survey here.

Turris OS 3.11

Dec. 10, 2018

List of news:

  • Simple dashboard of available web applications (WebApps)
  • New Foris guide for initial setup of a router
  • First components of new system for network attacks detection Turris Sentinel
  • Turris 1.x factory image update
  • Experimental support for Samba version 4
  • Complete migration of Foris to Python 3
  • Other packages update

See more details in changelog on wiki.

The first Turris MOXes go into the world

Dec. 10, 2018

The first batch of Turris MOX is on the way to users

Last week we released the update at Indiegogo, where we announced that the first batch of Turris MOX is on its way to users. Most of those who ordered just board without a plastic case, already have their MOXes at home. MOX distribution in plastic boxes will follow.

Invitation to the IT18

Nov. 8, 2018

Invitation to the Internet and Technology Conference (18) 15 - 16.11.2018 in Prague

The Internet and Technology Conference reminds the history of the .CZ domain as well as the significant projects of CZ.NIC.

We would like to invite you to the Internet and Technology Conference (18), which will be held at November 15 - 16 in the Grandior Hotel and Olšanka Hotel (Academy CZ.NIC).

In the program of first day Ondřej Filip will talk about the Turris project news. The next day we prepared workshops called Routers Turris and their ecosystems I and II.

In the first block, Štěpán Henek and Michal Čihař will speak about what is new in Foris and how Weblate helps us manage our translations. The second block focuses on new data collecting system Sentinel, captive portals and the upcoming version of Turris OS - 4.0. Your guides through these sessions will be Robin Obůrka, Karel Kočí and Michal Hrušecký.

We look forward to meeting you

Your Turris Team