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Invitation to the IT18

Nov. 8, 2018


Invitation to the Internet and Technology Conference (18) 15 - 16.11.2018 in Prague

The Internet and Technology Conference reminds the history of the .CZ domain as well as the significant projects of CZ.NIC.

We would like to invite you to the Internet and Technology Conference (18), which will be held at November 15 - 16 in the Grandior Hotel and Olšanka Hotel (Academy CZ.NIC).

In the program of first day Ondřej Filip will talk about the Turris project news. The next day we prepared workshops called Routers Turris and their ecosystems I and II.

In the first block, Štěpán Henek and Michal Čihař will speak about what is new in Foris and how Weblate helps us manage our translations. The second block focuses on new data collecting system Sentinel, captive portals and the upcoming version of Turris OS - 4.0. Your guides through these sessions will be Robin Obůrka, Karel Kočí and Michal Hrušecký.

We look forward to meeting you

Your Turris Team