Dobry den,
jsem v Openwrt uplny novacek a vetsinu se snazim najit na netu a tim se i ucim. Nasel jsem na vasich strankach (
http://linux.xvx.cz/2014/04/turris-openwrt-configuration.html) nastaveni DuckDNS a protoze mi muj provider meni moji IP adresu casto a statickou si zatim nechci porizovat, tak jsem si myslel, ze mi to pomuze vzdalene pristupovat k Turrisu.
Nastavil jsem vsechno dle navodu na strankach DuckDNS:
opkg update
opkg install ddns-scripts
config service "duckdns"
option enabled "1"
option service_name "duckdns.org"
option domain "pabloradegast"
option username "NA"
option password "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
option ip_source "network"
option ip_network "wan"
option force_interval "72"
option force_unit "hours"
option check_interval "10"
option check_unit "minutes"
#option ip_source "interface"
#option ip_interface "eth0.1"
#option ip_source "web"
#option ip_url "
option update_url "
#option use_https "1"
#option cacert "/etc/ssl/certs/cacert.pem"
. /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_functions.sh # note the leading period
start_daemon_for_all_ddns_sections "wan"
opkg update
opkg install curl
mkdir -p /etc/ssl/certs
curl -k
https://www.startssl.com/certs/ca-bundle.crt > /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
A upravit /etc/config/ddns
option use_https "1"
option cacert "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt"
Dale jsem zmodifikoval /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh a z duvodu zminovanych na strankach
http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/ddns.client jsem zmenil radky retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}--cacert $cacert " a retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}--capath $cacert " na retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}-k "
Kdyz vsak chci otestovat, jestli to je vse v poradku nastavene pomoci prikazu /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh duckdns, tak dostanu totok:
root@turris:~# /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh duckdns
force seconds = 86400
check seconds = 36000
old process id (if it exists) = ""
time_since_update = 42 hours
Running IP check...
current system ip =
registered domain ip =
update necessary, performing update ...
updating with url=""
curl: (3) <url> malformed
update failed
Taktez jsem to zkusil nevyuzitim ssl, ze jsem zakomentoval posladni 2 radky v souboru /etc/config/ddns na:
# option use_https "1"
# option cacert "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt"
Ale i v tomto pripade dostanu update failed:
force seconds = 86400
check seconds = 36000
old process id (if it exists) = ""
time_since_update = 42 hours
Running IP check...
current system ip =
registered domain ip =
update necessary, performing update ...
updating with url=""
wget: not an http or ftp url:
update failed
Kdyz se zvenku snazim dostat na Turrise pres adresu
http://pabloradegast.duckdns.org, tak mi to zkonci tak, ze stranku nelze najit.
Muzete me, prosim, nakopnout spravnym smerem a nejlepe polopatisticky popsat, jak to udelat? Kdyz to nepujde pres ssl, tak aspon bez neho.