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Nahoru Téma Majitelé routerů / Technická podpora / kernel vermagic mismatch
- - Od samm Dne 2015-03-24 13:07 Upraveno 2015-03-24 13:12
Hi. I tried to rebuild kernel with exactly same configuration as in routeros 2.1, using remotes/origin/stable branch from git. What is interesting for me - i am always getting different vermagic.
E.g. on turris:

root@turris:/tmp# opkg list|grep ^kernel
kernel - 3.10.49-1-de9531b33aaf5a73e5cfa369d4712b88 - Kernel package

and on my buildroot (stable trunk)

builder@c19a91161a56:/opt/turris/openwrt$ find . -name kernel\*ipk

As far as i could see in include/ vermagic number is calculated from the kernel config:

$(SH_FUNC) grep '=[ym]' $(LINUX_DIR)/.config | LC_ALL=C sort | md5s > $(LINUX_DIR)/.vermagic

So i assume that configs are different. Could you please tell how to build exact same kernel as in turris release/update? Should i use some specific tag or commit number? Are you using configs/config-turris-nand as config and compile_turris_fw as build script? I am asking this question because i want to run my own kernel with turris, but before doing this i want to make sure that my kernel is 100% compatible with your :)
Nadřazený - - Od Michal Vaner (>>) Dne 2015-03-24 13:12
The trick is, we compile all packages for the release. Therefore, the kernel configuration contains all the modules.

  USE_CCACHE=y BUILD_ALL=y ./compile_turris_fw -j8 LOGFILE=1 BUILD_LOG=1 IS_TTY=1

I'm about to tag the exact git commit now, but it should still be the tip of the master branch.
Nadřazený - - Od samm Dne 2015-03-24 15:59
Thank you for reply. I am still getting different vermagic :( Just to confirm - are you using stable branch?
Nadřazený - - Od Michal Vaner (>>) Dne 2015-03-24 16:14

No. I'm talking about the master branch.

Stable branch is something that is branched whenever we make a release and then crucial fixes go there, while development of the new release is happening in test. Test is then merged to master and left there for a while to see if anything breaks. If it doesn't, it is released.

Also, we released new version few hours ago. Do you check the version against that?
Nadřazený - - Od samm Dne 2015-03-24 16:38 Upraveno 2015-03-24 22:10
I think my fail was to use stable instead of master. I will try now with master. BTW, i am using docker to run buildroot, see . I am planning to share results with other users when i will be able to rebuild everything correctly :)
Nadřazený - - Od Jan Čermák (>>) Dne 2015-03-24 17:28

it seems that we're trying to achieve a similar goal. I am using Vagrant for the buildroot (with VirtualBox and LXC providers). It's also WIP (yet I'm about to publish the configs in a week or so, I'm now just too busy to finish it), but I was able to build all the packages with these dependencies on clean Ubuntu 14.04 (64bit):

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential bzr cvs gawk gcc-multilib flex git-core gettext libncurses5-dev libssl-dev libxml-parser-perl subversion unzip zip zlib1g-dev

# Java is required for classpath package
echo debconf shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true | sudo debconf-set-selections
sudo apt-get install -y oracle-jdk7-installer
Nadřazený - Od samm Dne 2015-03-24 22:09
I am trying to build fw (or at least kernel) which will be exactly same as from, no luck so far. I did not found that jdk/jre is needed for any of the packages. With recent version of docker buildfile build works for me, but kernel configuration is different then on device.
Nadřazený - Od samm Dne 2015-03-25 11:38
btw, also got this java requirement. It works well with native openjdk, no need for closed source oracle package. I created automated docker image, sammcz/turris-buildroot, using . Now i am able to build all tree with a few small patches related to the autoconf/libtool. I am planning to publish them, as well as build process description. Only package I am not able to build is appweb, because master web site is down and i cant find source code on mirrors.
Nadřazený - Od samm Dne 2015-03-24 17:09 Upraveno 2015-03-24 17:34
btw, i have an issue with compiling all packages: build fails on ohybridproxy with
dns_sd.h: No such file or directory
#include <dns_sd.h>
error message. I think it is related to this message from ./scripts/feeds install ohybridproxy hnetd command:

Installing package 'ohybridproxy'
WARNING: No feed for package 'mdnsd' found, maybe it's already part of the standard packages?

Do you have such issue with feeds?
Update: issue with feeds resolved by scripts/feeds update -a
Nadřazený - Od samm Dne 2015-03-24 22:19
Finally done :) I had to do run

git submodule init
git submodule update

in the buildroot :)  Now i got de9531b33aaf5a73e5cfa369d4712b88 as on recent update. Will add this to my docker script :)  Thank you for support.
Nahoru Téma Majitelé routerů / Technická podpora / kernel vermagic mismatch

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