Milí majitelé routerů Turris,
toto fórum bylo 9. 12. 2016 zmrazeno a nahrazeno naším novým Turris fórem. Ještě chvíli bude dostupné k prohlížení, ale již zde není možné přispívat. Více informací naleznete v oznámení o uzavření fóra.
Dear Turris routers users,
this forum has been frozen on Dec 9th, 2016 and replaced by our new Turris forum. It will be read-only accessible for some time after. For more information, read the announcement about closing the forum.
All | Any packet is included in this category
IPv4 | Packets sent over the IPv4 protocol.
IPv6 | Packets sent over the IPv6 protocol.
In | Packets sent over either IPv4 or IPv6 that have source address outside of the local network and destination inside.
Out | Packets sent over either IPv4 or IPv6 that have source address inside of the local network and destination outside.
TCP | Packets sent over IPv4/TCP and IPv6/TCP
UDP | Packets sent over IPv4/UDP and IPv6/UDP
ICMP | Both ICMP and ICMPv6 packets
Low port | TCP or UDP packets with the remote port <= 1024
SYN | TCP packets with the SYN flag set
FIN | TCP packets with the FIN flag set
SYN+ACK | TCP packets with both SYN and ACK flags set. This may be a good heuristics for number of created TCP connections.
ACK | TCP packets with ACK flag set.
PUSH | TCP packets with the PUSH flag set.
SERVER | Communication with the server (tím je myšlen náš
případně viz a je součástí zalogovaných paketů./etc/firewall.user
iptables -A FORWARD -p ah -m limit --limit 1/sec -j LOG --log-prefix AH
se ta pravidla nedostanou, protože mají nastaven log level na debug/etc/config/firewall
from_group | type | timestamp | value | relevance_count | relevance_of | strength 6140 | B | 2014-05-10 00:06:13.968131 | | 46 | 263 | 2.42241
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