Dobrý večer, již asi 3 dny se mi neodesílají data na server Turrisu. Vidím že s tím zápasí více uživatelů, tak jsem začal prohledávat systémový log. Nevíte někdo zdali toto hlášení způsobuje daný problém nebo to je něco jiného? Případně prosím o radu jak problém vyřešit?
Děkuji Jirka
2014-11-08T19:17:27+01:00 notice unbound[]: [30334:0] notice: remote address is 2a01:4f8:0:a101::b:1 port 53
2014-11-08T19:17:27+01:00 notice unbound[]: [30334:0] notice: sendto failed: Operation not permitted
2014-11-08T19:17:27+01:00 notice unbound[]: [30334:0] notice: remote address is 2a01:4f8:d0a:2006::2 port 53
2014-11-08T19:17:28+01:00 notice unbound[]: [30334:0] notice: sendto failed: Operation not permitted
2014-11-08T19:17:28+01:00 notice unbound[]: [30334:0] notice: remote address is 2a01:4f8:d0a:2006::2 port 53
2014-11-08T19:17:38+01:00 notice unbound[]: [30334:0] notice: sendto failed: Operation not permitted
2014-11-08T19:17:38+01:00 notice unbound[]: [30334:0] notice: remote address is 2001:678:1::1 port 53
2014-11-08T19:17:38+01:00 notice unbound[]: [30334:0] notice: sendto failed: Operation not permitted
2014-11-08T19:17:38+01:00 notice unbound[]: [30334:0] notice: remote address is 2a02:598:1::1077 port 53
2014-11-08T19:18:12+01:00 warning ucollect[3088]: Remote closed the uplink, reconnecting
2014-11-08T19:18:12+01:00 info ucollect[3088]: Reconnecting to now
2014-11-08T19:18:12+01:00 info ucollect[3088]: Socat started
2014-11-08T19:18:12+01:00 err ucollect[3088]: Error from socat: 2014/11/08 19:18:12 socat[31571] E connect(3, AF=10 [2001:1488:ac15:ff80:0000:0000:0000:0101]:5679, 28): Operation not permitted
2014-11-08T19:18:12+01:00 warning ucollect[3088]: Remote closed the uplink, reconnecting
2014-11-08T19:18:12+01:00 info ucollect[3088]: Reconnecting to now
2014-11-08T19:18:12+01:00 warning ucollect[3088]: Reconnecting too often, waiting a little while
2014-11-08T19:18:12+01:00 info ucollect[3088]: Going to reconnect to after 2 seconds
2014-11-08T19:18:14+01:00 info ucollect[3088]: Reconnecting to now